easy sustainability
– be the first in class in sustainability
sustainability is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges for mankind, and is an increasingly important part of corporate values. It is almost a compulsory element in the companies’ DNA. This expectation is dictated not only by our compliance with our environment but it required by brand or company image (and regional / global management), too.
we know exactly that these programs and the associated tasks are never the exclusive responsibility of a colleague but it’s delegated on “please do it as well!” basis
however, it is a terribly time- and energy-consuming process for every such a “volunteer” colleague to deep dive into the area of sustainability, environmental protection – not to hurt anyone – from the level zero. This withdraw capacity from primary tasks which can indirectly affect the primary performance.
we offer you a more efficient, cost-effective and last but not least a more professional program
with the involvement of a qualified environmental expert we offer:
- sustainability evaluation of Your office / site
- customized “green office” concept
- energy efficiency proposals
- educational programs (both internal and external)
- organize voluntary programs, full coordination of volunteering (even with team-building characteristic)
- preparing nice presentations to make sure Your team is the “best in class”
areas which can be covered someone else unfortunately:
- environment safety optimization of the production processes
- accredited environmental certificates
- industrial waste management
sounds like easy, doesn’t?! let’s contact us!